Companion's Comments

Dick has encouraged me to add my comments about our travels, so here we go!
While Dick was raft packing and hiking in the Montana wilderness with Matt, Hunter and Boy Scouts, I had the incomparable and never before pleasure of nine days on my own at Two Medicine Campground on the east side of  Glacier N.P. I had no schedule, no appointments, no phone service and no one to be responsible for except our Sparky! I slept in, took naps if I wanted (even once in the morning!), read books, learned about Queen Esther from Bible study material, took long walks and even hiked 5 miles round trip to lovely Running Eagle Falls.
I had purchased a Rocky Mountains Wildflowers identification book and set out to see how many I could find. In just that hike and small area were 36-40 colorful varieties. After all, my mother was a biology teacher, so the love of beauty such as that comes naturally. I also boarded a 1938 small cruise boat with the goal to join a few others on a guided hike to Twin Falls. After reaching the falls I was the only woman to join the guide and two men to cross the creek on stones and fallen logs to reach the refreshing mist of the musical falls.
Twin Falls
One evening, I took my coloring book and pencils to a riverside spot about a half mile from the campsite, parked myself on a log and soaked in the QUIETNESS. A lone duck caught my eye, so I watched him drift downstream when out popped a cinnamon colored black bear across the river. Admittedly, I did get a bit anxious, so quietly hid behind a bush and just watched.  I'm still here, so no harm!
I cannot describe the JOY of seeing the sheer and simply impressive grandeur of snow on the Canadian Rockies! We kept repeating, "Look at that!"  "Oh, wow!" as we proceeded around curves and ascended the roadway, seeing new views and remarkable vistas even 50-60 miles away! The glaciers really are aquamarine!!
While in Waterton Lakes, the Canadian sister of Glacier N.P., I ticked off one of my "bucket list" dreams: high tea at the Prince of Wales Hotel overlooking the still and calming lake. I even curled my pinky as I sipped the citrus mint tea and delighted in the taste of tea sandwiches, miniature scones and quiche and finally juicy berries and sweet carrot cake (my favorite).
High Tea at Prince of Wales Hotel, Waterton, BC
Side by side Dick and I have hiked to several impressive remote waterfalls, each better than the last. We drove for 1 1/2 hours and hiked a distance to see the grandest: Kinuseo Falls south of Dawson City, British Columbia. Watching the river flow over steps of huge rock and then hearing the roar of water make its leap over the edge to the river 215 feet below was unforgettable. The nice thing was that we only saw 6-8 other people all that time! Oh, a tree had fallen across the remote gravel road, so Dick had to saw off a portion so we could return to the campsite!! He's one prepared Eagle Scout!
With all this pleasure also comes the usual domestic engineer's responsibility to plan and prepare meals (not knowing when or where the meal will be), shop for food, do the laundry and "keep house." Just today, here in Fairbanks, we purchased about $20.00 worth of fresh vegetables: green beans $5.00#, tomatoes $6.00#, broccoli $3.00#, mixed lettuce $5.00/bag (~ a #). Succumbed to temptation and bought dark chocolate, toffee, bacon bark. Oooo--yummy! Yes, I shared with hubby.
Have done laundry three times in 35 days. Today's cost was $19.25 for three large loads including sheets. I brought the sheets and jeans back to the campsite to hang on a normal even in Marysville.
Am I havin' fun yet? Oh, you can bet on it! We have enjoyed our togetherness, shared unexpected yet anticipated beauty, laughed at ourselves (I forgot to put grounds in the coffee maker when I made some for Dick), shared tears when seeing a brilliant double rainbow over the Tanana River and rolled into bed exhausted after serious hiking to see waterfalls or climb a mountain.
Our God is an awesome God!
We haven't forgotten about any of you and we take joy in praying for dear family, friends and loved ones from church and community. Thanks for YOUR prayers for us.
Good I swat another mosquito.


  1. Sounds like a fantastic trip! Stay safe!
    Love you both! Jan and Ron a

  2. Sounds like a fantastic trip! Stay safe!
    Love you both! Jan and Ron a

  3. Jeanette, I can 'hear' you voice describing all this and i'm thrilled you are having the time of your life! The high tea sounded heavenly!! and your time one with nature, picking out flowers...what a gift! Molli

  4. Earlier in the week I had problems with my account and couldn't post. How amazing your trip sounds. High Tea sounds so fun as well as the beauty of the wildflowers and Canadian Rockies.


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